
2 week old Arjan comes for a photo shoot

We have had lots of newborns this past couple of weeks and quite a few at 2 weeks old or more for one reason or other.  Louise had a challenging birth (although you would not know it looking at her photos) so our shoot was a tiny bit delayed but its all worked out fantastically.  The ideal newborn photo age is 7-10 days but we often see them at 2, 3 and even 4 weeks old and have great success.

When Balvindar and Louise arrived with baby Arjan he was already asleep but thats often the case. We went through our usual routine of choosing outfits and talking through the shoot and despite changes Arjan still slept 😍 So we got to work. All of our props are ready and heated prior to the shoot so once we popped him into the first basket he was snug as a bug and we got to work. We went through all of our baskets and props and used his fav toys and blankets too before a change of outfit.

The second outfit was just as successful and this all made for a fantastic and enjoyable photo shoot. Once we were happy with our “sleepy newborn photos” Mummy changed Arjan and fed him. We then moved to family photos. Some with Daddy, some with Mummy and obviously some of all 3 of them too. These were just amazing and I am so pleased we were able to do them.

Balvindar and Louise, thank you for bringing Arjan to see us.

[inbound_button font_size=”20″ color=”#669d34″ text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” url=”https://www.julianporter.info/Newborns” width=”” target=”_self”]Family and friends can see all of Arjan’s photos here[/inbound_button]

What do we bring to a newborn photoshoot?

This is our most common question with new mums. Well Sue and I have a huge studio full of beautiful baskets, swings and beanbag props for new babies. We also have all the little outfits that you see on our website, we have 2 of most for twins too. We also have a few soft toys and lots of special blankets and rugs. We have full changing facilities too and a Mummy and Baby room although we are 100% happy for you to change and feed baby in the comfort of the studio whilst having a cuppa from our free and pretty cool coffee machine or indeed catching up on facebook with our free wifi.

So to answer the question. Extra nappies is always a great idea, probably for a couple of years not just the photoshoot 😂 Plus extra milk, if your feeding baby yourself then its not a problem but if you bottle feed either full time or even just at night then its handy to bring some spare milk because newborns sometimes take a bottle easier in a strange environment. Other than that we are all covered.

How do you create the right environment?

We had already started by creating the right environment for our babies. Our studio is warm, comfortable and safe and filled with the scent of our specially blended Aromatherapy oils it is just perfect for babies. Our props are all warmed in preparation so there are no unexpected cold areas for babies delicate skin. No shocks to wake them or disturb their perfect slumber. Most of all we allow time, lots of time for you to relax and baby to feel safe and happy.

What does it cost?

Our newborn baby shoots cost £50 to book and a further £225 for all of the photos ready to print and share.  Thats 60-100 beautiful photographs ready to print and share with your family and friends. To get this amazing offer please contact me now. You can book this in at anytime during your pregnancy to guarantee this offer.

You also get a Julian Porter client area upload where friends and family can view the photos as well as buy a print or canvas should they wish. This is super popular especially when families are far away.

If you would like to see further examples of our stunning newborn baby photography recently taken at our Southampton and Hampshire studio, including prices, then please click the take a look at our newborn gallery. Alternatively click the button below to find out about how you can also get stunning photos like this for your own baby!

[inbound_button font_size=”20″ color=”#c8232b” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” url=”http://julianporter.com/newborn-photography-hampshire/” width=”” target=”_self”]Our newborn page[/inbound_button]

Please note that you are reading a past blog post which can be upto 10 years old and although we rarely change our prices please check the top menu for current pricing, Availability and offers.


Julian Porter Photography, 6 Northwood Close, Southampton, SO16 3QJ

Call Jules on 07720325336 or 02380767084