
Camera training Southampton with Richard

Camera training Southampton

Camera training Southampton with Camera workshops Southampton and Photography workshops Southampton

Our Camera workshops Southampton

A few years ago we photographed Cathy and Rich’s wedding day at the beautiful With Barn. I will pop a post below. We have also photographed them as a family since with their daughter Evelyn. So when Rich asked me for camera advice I was not surprised. Rich was after a new Mirrorless system. I know quite a bit about this subject because I am seriously looking to move that way myself.

Rich purchased a Canon M5 and it was a great camera for him.  Small, quick and beautiful photographs. I was a tad jealous lugging around my massive Nikon D5.

Rich and Cathys wedding day 

Tithe Barn weddings by Jules and Sue

Photography workshops Southampton

Our Photography workshops Southampton start with a couple of hours in the studio going through settings and camera modes and making sure you are comfortable. We also speak in depth about what camera mode and settings to use and where to use them. We show you how to make your camera ignore the things you don’t want captured and make the most of what you do. Things like shooting through cases and glass. Todays first photograph of the Snow Leopard was taken by Rich through very thick and very dirty glass and yet its my fav Snow Leopard shot from marwell.

Once we get this part sorted we head off to Marwell for a few hours.

Camera training Southampton at Marwell

Once at Marwell we have a few tips and tricks to get the best from it. Yesterday with rich we started at the Owls and then the Snow Leopard before heading to the Otters and birds. All the time either Sue or myself are checking and helping our client tweak settings. Rich was fairly confident yesterday and the proof most definitely was in the pudding.

Despite the tough conditions Rich took some outstanding photos and probably the most keepers shots from a marwell day.  The Canon M5 is definitely suited to him.

Beat the camera auto settings

If you have a camera that is controlling your photos then think about one of our courses. We do an evening course studio based for £99 or a full day at Marwell or the New Forest for only £250.  This will get you controlling your camera properly and enjoying your photography so much more.

We offer all sorts of workshops both One-2-One and groups from specialist subjects through to getting to know your camera and would happily chat about anything in-between. We have put on workshops for lots of great local photographers as well as a few local companies looking to improve their social media presence and also we have worked for the United Nations running a workshop for them.  Please get in touch if you need to chat about our workshops.

We also offer scouted days around the south coast for those looking to build a portfolio or just find the nicest places to shoot.

We hope that you enjoy these photographs from this workshop, we are very pleased with them and we feel they show off using your cameras AV and S mode very well and also the various focus and metering modes all of which are interesting to learn about and will take your photography to a new level.

Please contact us if you are looking for a photography workshop of any-kind 02380 767084   julianporter@mac.com

check our full hampshire photo workshop educational course

Contact us to buy a gift voucher on 02380 767084

A few from Richard and me today.

Camera training SouthamptonPhotography workshops SouthamptonCamera training Southampton

marwell photography workshop with Terry

Marwell photography workshop with Isy


Please note that you are reading a past blog post which can be upto 10 years old and although we rarely change our prices please check the top menu for current pricing, Availability and offers.


Julian Porter Photography, 6 Northwood Close, Southampton, SO16 3QJ

Call Jules on 07720325336 or 02380767084