
Teddy’s cake smash and splash fun

Last week Teddy came to see us for his first birthday. His mummy had arranged one of our smash and splash cake shoots which are super popular as a first birthday photoshoot. We have been photographing cake smash photos for about 8 years but only this year smash and splash.

Teddy arrived with his mummy and daddy and soon settled into the studio. We have a large area in our newborn and baby studio with a nice cleanable but decorative area for the newborns which works a treat. Lovely flooring and backdrop and a selection of buntings too.

Teddy and his cake smash

Teddy was shy right from the offset so was reluctant with messy play and of course cake smashing 😂 But with a little perseverance and patience we got a nice selection of photos.

Teddy and his splash time

This was a whole different ballgame. Teddy absolutely loved the bath time and the photograph’s show it. He never stopped splashing, laughing and smiling and playing with the bubbles. This made for a wonderful shoot and had the 4 of us in stitches and me and my camera very wet 💙

How does it work?

It’s quite simple really. We use a large tasty chocolate cake and I actually decorate it with buttercream in either blue or pink  to suit our baby. We have a lovely safe cake stand and lots of props.

We supply “birthday” baby grows in lots of sizes again pink and blue and we supply the bunting for the background.

For the bath time again we supply all the props you see here and afterwards we supply towels to dry baby in our lovely warm drying area.

Some babies have bubbles and we have a selection of big brands and some don’t.

Most importantly we do all the clearing up.

Can you cater for Dairy Free?

Yes we can. We have a lovely supply of dairy free cakes, they are a little smaller in diameter but higher so look just as stunning. Again pink or blue buttercream made with Flora dairy free baking spread. We have done a few of these and they are very popular indeed.

What does it cost?

The shoot costs £25 to book. Then on the day you buy a disk or USB stick with all the photographs which is normally 60-80+ beautiful photos this costs £175. but we are also giving away a beautiful framed montage of 9 photos with each shoot. These come framed in white and look adorable in babies nursery.

So for just £200 you get a cake, the shoot, all the photos to print and share plus a free framed photo to commemorate your Childs first amazing birthday.

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Cake smash Hampshire


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Please note that you are reading a past blog post which can be upto 10 years old and although we rarely change our prices please check the top menu for current pricing, Availability and offers.


Julian Porter Photography, 6 Northwood Close, Southampton, SO16 3QJ

Call Jules on 07720325336 or 02380767084